aurora - We make test results comparable.

Our special paper for your smooth production.
Learn more, why the right paper ist essential for the production of quality pens.

ISO 12757 Write Test PAPER

This write test paper has a smooth surface and is primarily used for testing ball pens.

Iso 14145 and ISO 27668
write test paper

This write test paper is used for testing gel and rollerball pens. The ISO standards 14145 (Roller) and 27668 (Gel) have merged the paper specificaton. We can therefore offer a product that is conforming to both ISO standards.


We can help you review and optimise your writing test procedures. This service is provided by our partner company Dr. Deeg LTD.

About us

Paper is our Passion

The company was created in Switzerland in 2005.
Right from the start, we had a strong point:
The combination of experience in pen production with the knowledge and access to special purpose machines and sensor technology for paper production. This enables us to produce speciality paper for testing purposes with consistent quality – always from the same papermaking machine. Available world wide!

Why us

Making Test Results Comparable is our Mission

Whether you are monitoring the ink lay down of your tip production, checking the writing length of your purchased refills or testing a new ink: you can’t do it without paper.
In addition, the test results must always be comparable within your company and along the supply chain. Regardless of whether the test is repeated a year later or on the other side of the world.
The solution: Aurora Testpaper – The Global Standard!

You want repeatable results ?
Test it on AURORA paper!